There Isn’t One Right Way for Christians to Vote

Rhonda Franz
3 min readOct 24, 2020

These kinds of decisions are covered in Scripture, but not in the way we might think

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Friendly PSA’s About Voting

This is the third (and final) post in a week of election-themed snippets on Medium in which at no time do I presume to tell you how, or whether, to vote.

1. You Don’t Owe Explanations About Your Vote

2. If you Don’t Vote, You Can Still Complain

Christians Have Freedom With Their Vote

God’s Word holds the truth. He is love. He created us. He came for us in human form to save us from ourselves.

In the Bible, we see admonishments to seek and represent peace, serve others, and reject legalism. (Hello, Pharisees.) There are behaviors and lifestyles that Scripture tells us are sinful and wrong, just as there are actions that are good and right and are to be pursued, obeyed. **

There are also things we are to decide for ourselves. For such times, we have guidance. In addition to Jesus’ example…

We have all of Proverbs (wisdom, wisdom, wisdom)

We also have a compass found in 1 Corinthians 10:31 :

Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

And a few verses before…

All things are permissible (lawful) for me, but not all things are helpful (beneficial)…not all things edify.

Christians are to walk (live) in a way that is pleasing to God, but not every important decision is attached to a right or wrong outcome.

Our Vote Isn’t Hitched to a Single Right or Wrong Answer

Candidates might demonstrate disrespectful, abhorrent behavior while influencing good policy. They might come across as kind and courteous while throwing support behind policy that is bad. Politicians often misrepresent or lie about their beliefs, simply to appease/appeal to a certain group of voters when in fact they might have little or no influence over certain policy. They often say or support one thing in public, while acting the opposite when they think no one is looking.

In this government for the people, by the people, there’s a lot to consider. When we toss in doses of power and corruption and the complications that come with enacting laws and vetoing laws and the forces that make sure political parties remain rich and powerful and oppressive, our vote becomes a sort of science dissection project — examining the layers and details as best we can.

The Spirit of the Law

Christians can use Scripture to mark our decision on a mail-in ballot, an absentee form, or while wielding a stylus just after standing distanced in line at a local precinct.

These kinds of decisions illustrate Jesus’ exhortations to believers in the New Testament to abide by His law’s spirit . ***

We don’t have a basis to say that this one issue or this one candidate is more sinful than another simply because we think it is so.

And we have no basis to tell another person how to vote.



John 3:36

Romans 3:23

pretty much all of Galatians

I Corinthians 10:23–33


** Of course, obedience and doing good do not bring us salvation. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus.

*** In the New Testament, there’s a whole sermon on a mountain where Jesus takes the letter of the law with those Ten Commandments from the Old Testament, making each one even stricter. Those who were listening heard Jesus preach a crucial, often overlooked message: we’re supposed to go with the spirit of each command, and not just the letter of it. (We’re not supposed to actually commit adultery, but we also should not be entertaining lustful thoughts about a person who isn’t our spouse.)

a list of some sins called out in the Bible

  • lust
  • gluttony
  • pride
  • idolatry
  • sloth
  • envy
  • wrath
  • fits of rage
  • selfish ambition

a brief word on Old/New Testament

The Old Testament tedious and rigorous rules were set because all sin separates us from God…and humans had to deal with that after the whole Eden-fruit-eating incident. Christ’s death became the propitiation and ultimate sacrifice for our redemption, therefore making the laws of the old covenant no longer necessary.



Rhonda Franz

home operations specialist | editor | I write, raise boys, & exhibit ridiculous enthusiasm over the littlest of things.,