Tuesday Tips and Tidbits: Simple bread substitution, a computer-keyboard shortcut, and a boundary-setting check

Rhonda Franz
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Stuff you might know (but also stuff you might not)

2022, Feb. 15

  1. 👩🏼‍💻 A techie computer thing. How to open a link in a new tab on a Mac computer:
    - command key + click on the link.
  2. → Life advice. On setting boundaries:
    - Make sure the boundaries you set are for you, not other people. More on this in Carolyn Hax’s column with The Washington Post: Sister Won’t Lay Off the Unsolicited Criticism
  3. 🧑‍🍳 In the kitchen during the pandemic:
    - I discovered that condensed milk works quite nicely as a substitute for regular milk in simple and satisfying bread-machine bread. First of all, unopened canned milk lasts longer and doesn't take up precious refrigerator space. Second, even when you do open it and have some left over, condensed milk lasts about a month in the refrigerator. Second, you can leave out the sugar in the recipe, since it is already plenty sweet. Here’s a basic recipe I use quite a bit: Bread Machine Bread — Easy As Can Be
  4. 🏫 Educationally speaking. This one’s caregivers of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers:
    - Take a look at some of the changed developmental milestones: Your Child By Two Years.
    - I’m working on a Medium piece about Early Intervention for children from birth to age three, a field I worked in. To sum up: all families in the U.S. have access to Early Intervention Services. (It’s the law.)



Rhonda Franz

home operations specialist | editor | I write, raise boys, & exhibit ridiculous enthusiasm over the littlest of things. rhondafranz.com, captainmom.net